Each year, one of the conference's highlights is the VAGHC Housing Awards Luncheon, which recognizes innovative, effective efforts that address our housing needs. All awards are presented at the conference during the luncheon on Thursday, Nov. 14.
Nominations must be received by
Friday, August 23
The five award categories for 2024 include:
This award recognizes exceptional multifamily/rental housing developments that prioritize innovation in both concept and design while meeting the unique needs of its target population. The nominated projects may include new construction, renovations, preservation or adaptive reuse projects. For instance, the category may recognize a senior housing development thoughtfully designed to support the needs of its residents or the redevelopment of a formerly blighted building that now provides integrated, mixed-income housing.
This award celebrates projects that go beyond ordinary means to create affordable homeownership opportunities. The category may recognize projects that offer homeownership options that support recent economic growth opportunities or new homeownership units developed in hard-to-serve regions of Virginia.
This award acknowledges housing programs or services that have demonstrated innovative and creative efforts to aid citizens in need of help in meeting any aspect of their housing needs. Awardees may include financial counseling programs for prospective homeowners, programs to assist homeless citizens in transitioning into permanent housing or highly effective wrap-around services for residents.
This award recognizes innovation in housing that promotes affordable housing options through unique collaboration, advocacy, new technology and utilization of innovative materials or deployment of a housing type not commonly utilized across Virginia. The category is open to both multifamily and homeownership projects. Examples of eligible nominees may include advances in manufactured housing, resiliency efforts to protect and preserve housing, the use of advanced materials to improve durability of housing and reduce the life-cycle cost for housing or the development of strategic public awareness initiatives across new partnerships.
This award recognizes an individual whose recent work and dedication has stood out as truly remarkable. The category may recognize individuals who championed an affordable housing project in the face of significant community resistance, created a means to facilitate resident involvement in project decision-making or developed a new program approach to better serve the community.
**The 2025 Virginia Governor’s Housing Conference LLC is a 501c3 nonprofit.